Sunday, August 15, 2010

Jupiter's Vanishing Belt

-Scope: Edu-Sci 50mm refractor (FL 360mm)

It has been a year since my last observation with   my tiny 50mm scope. A year ago in 2009, jupiter still have two belts that are observable through my 50mm, this year i can only see a single belt (NEB). The south equatorial belt (SEB) has vanished!

Well, the 'vanished' or faded belt isn't gone for good, phew, its more like a cycle which could last up to 3 years in this faded state until it reappears again. 

NASA scientist are baffled and 'do not fully understand what's going on', so i won't attempt to explain what's going on here. Until its revival, its going to be an interesting event for all astronomers!